Perancangan Permukiman Pada Kawasan New City Malang di Kedungkandang Kota Malang


  • M. Fadly Fahreza University of Brawijaya



Kota Malang adalah salah satu kota di Indonesia yang mengalami pertumbuhan penduduk dengan pesat. Sebagian besar penyebab pertumbuhan tersebut didominasi oleh pendatang. Pertumbuhan kota ini mendatangkan kebutuhan akan hunian, sehingga Kota Malang akan berupaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hunian tersebut di daerah yang memiliki potensi. Kawasan New City Malang, Kawasan hunian yang berada di dataran tinggi Kecamatan Kedungkandang, merupakan alternatif jawaban dari pemenuhan akan hunian di Kota Malang. Kawasan New City Malang menghadirkan berbagai jenis hunian pada lokasi yang strategis. Salah satu hunian tersebut adalah Kawasan hunian berdensitas tinggi dan multifungsi. Kawasan tersebut dapat diwujudkan dengan konsep berupa mixed-use development. Dalam mewujudkannya, kawasan ini menerapkan tema walkability sebagai respons terhadap aktivitas warga yang suka beraktivitas di puncak bukit ini. Tapak perancangan memiliki luas 10,5 ha yang terletak di sisi jalan berkontur. Untuk mewujudkan Kawasan mixed-use tersebut, perancangan berpedoman pada 7 kriteria mixed-use development berdasarkan buku Commercial and Mixed-Use Development Handbook sebagai tema perancangan. Kawasan mixed-use New City Malang menawarkan hunian mandiri dan terintegrasi berupa rusunawa untuk keluarga menengah keatas, dengan penunjang hunian berupa area komersial, perkantoran, fasilitas kawasan, hingga rekreasi.

Kata kunci: Hunian, Kawasan Mixed-use, Kawasan New City Malang, Walkability.



Malang City is one of the cities in Indonesia that is experiencing rapid population growth, where most of the growth is dominated by migrants. The growth of this city has brought the need for housing, where now Malang City will focus on meeting these housing needs in areas that has potential. The New City Malang area, a residential area located in the highlands of Kedungkandang District, is an alternative answer to the fulfillment of housing in Malang City. The New City Malang area presents various types of housing in a strategic location, one of which is a high-density and multifunctional residential area. The area can be achieved with the concept of mixed-use development. In order to realize it, this area implements the theme of walkability as a response to the activities of residents who like to do activities on top of this hill. The design site has an area of 10.5 ha located on the side of the contoured road. To realize the mixed-use area, the planning is based on 7 mixed-use development criteria based on the Commercial and Mixed-Use Development Handbook and its relation to the design theme. The mixed-use area of New City Malang offers integrated independent housing in the form of rental flats for middle to upper class families, with other residential support such as commercial areas, offices, area facilities, and recreation.


Keywords: Housing, Mixed-use area, Malang New City Area, Walkability.





